As her husband was a man of means, and had doubtless returned by this time, could she not send them the money? 既然她的丈夫是一个有钱人,不用说现在已经回来了,她能不能给他们寄去这笔钱呢?
The exact meaning for a specific return status code is unique to a particular command ( check the man pages), but a generally accepted principle is that an error code of zero means that the command executed correctly. 具体返回状态代码的准确含义对特定命令是唯一的(请访问其手册页),但大家通常接受的原则是,错误代码为0表示命令已正确执行。
Strickland was not, I should say, a man of great intelligence, and his views on painting were by no means out of the ordinary. 我应该说,思特里克兰德并不是一个智力超群的人,他对于绘画的见解也丝毫没有什么独到之处。
When a man says he approves of something in principle, it means he hasn't the slightest intention of putting it into practice. 当一个人说他原则上赞成某事时,那就是说他根本无意把那件事付诸实施。
Can assure you that he is a man of means. 尽管他不穿昂贵的衣服,但我能向你保证他是一个有钱人。
In the third place, she wished to exhibit Jessica, who was gaining in maturity and beauty, and whom she hoped to marry to a man of means. 第三,她想借此机会炫耀一下已经出落得美丽多姿的女儿杰西卡,她希望杰西卡能嫁一个富人。
Firstly, social construction demonstrates man's ideal of value; secondly, it embodies man's identification of value; last, it means man's evaluation of value. 首先,社会建设体现着人的价值理想;其次,社会建设体现着人的价值认同;最后,社会建设体现着人的价值评价。
He was a man of small means. 他是一个收入微薄的人。
The biggest fault of a man of practice is that he means to show his specialty and unique attitude everywhere. 一般修行人给人的印象,就在于他们那种处处表现得特立独行,及与众不同的处世态度。
He had the well-dressed appearance of a man of means. 他衣着考究,像个富人。
He's a young man of independent means. 他是一个经济独立的年轻人。
The rule of law and the rule of man is a relative concept: the rule of law means that negate the rule of man, in favor of the rule of man is opposed to the rule of law means. 法治则是与人治相对的一个概念:主张法治意味着否定人治,赞成人治则意味着反对法治。
Every man of rank or means has its own bathroom in his house. 有身份地位的人,家里都有自己的浴室。
He is a young man of modest breeding and uncertain means. 他是一个出身平常、收入不固定的年轻人。
A bourgeois is a man of means. 中产阶级是指有财产的人。
Man sought to alter the disposition of these gods in his own favor by means of magic and prayer. 人们企求借助于巫术和祈祷来改变这些神的意向,使其有利于他们自已。
In the midst of "drop beep" sound after the door of the middle-aged man in front of the machine suddenly sounded very pleasant sound, which means he selected. 在一阵“滴嘟”声过后,门口这位中年男子面前的机器突然响起了非常愉悦的声音,这代表他选中了。
Only a man of means could afford such a big house. 只有富人才买得起这样的大宅第。
My article points out that the meaning of man's natural essence is the origination of man which means the man is from nature. 指出人的自然本质在于人是从自然发展而来的。
Because the start point of man's study of questions and man's stand and means of study are different, the above question directly affects the solution degree to the above relation. 由于人们研究问题的出发点、立场不同以及研究方法的差异,直接影响着对二者关系的解决程度。
The demonstrations of man's real meaning does not consist in his acquisition of some particularity by means of a pure cultural process so as to distinguish and reveal his exterior characteristics. 而人的本真意义的表达,并不仅仅在于人通过单纯的文化进化过程获得某种独特性,以区分和表明自己的外在特色。
Man can promote the development of society and the advancement of history by means of knowledge. 人类通过运用知识,可以推动社会的发展与历史的进步;
It emphases on the external rule which is not governed by man's will and that the function of law is not only the means of coercion and force, but also embodiment of social justice and equity. 它特别强调法是不依人的意志为转移的客观规律,法的功能和作用不仅是强制工具和手段,还是社会公平和正义的体现。
Ideological and political education refers to the activity of human beings training and educating man from the aspect of ideological and political morality. Methodology is the manners and means adopted by subjects during the process of recognizing and reforming the world. 思想政治教育是指人类社会从思想品德和政治立场、观点等方面培养教育人的活动,方法是主体在认识世界和改造世界中所采用的方式或手段。
According to Marxism's view of value, man is the epitome of purpose and means. 马克思主义价值观认为,人是目的与手段的统一体。
A test of cardiovascular function was carried out upon 618 man students of our university by means of the simple method and the evaluation standard in sweden. 以我校618名本科男生为对象,采用瑞典国家测定人体心脏功能的简易方法和评价标准进行测试。
When man has given up the way of expressing his understanding of the world by means of mythology, it continues to exist in various aesthetic forms in human arts, thus keeping its vitality in the whole process of cultural development. 当人类逐渐放弃了用神话来表达对世界的认识的时候,神话在人类艺术中继续以各种审美形态出现并因此得以在人类文化长河中保持着鲜活的生命力。
Organization investigation, as a man employing, is one of the basic means for selection and appointment of leading cadres of local party indispensable important link to the construction of cadres with high quality is very important. 组织考察,作为识人用人的基本手段之一,是选拔任用地方党政领导干部不可或缺的重要环节,对于建设高素质的干部队伍至关重要。
With the development of information technology, ERP management system has become the right-hand man of business management for its outstanding management thinking and advanced technology means, and save a lot of human and material resources for businesses. 随着社会信息技术的发展,ERP管理系统以其优秀的管理思想,先进的信息技术,成为了当今企业经营管理的得力助手,并为企业节省了大量的人力物力资源。
The paper expands the category of morals from man and man, man and society to man and nature, expecting to eliminate the phenomenon of disharmony essentially by means of. 文章将道德的范畴从人与人、人与社会扩展到人与自然界之间,期望利用道德手段从本质上消除不和谐的现象。